Learning materials available at partner universities and external open resources will be collected (T1.2), prepared and refined and adapted to the project curriculum as specified in D1.4. Three sub-groups will be:
Sub-group A – Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Sub-group B – Technical Faculties (Mining, Geology, Computer Sciences, Civil Engineering)
Sub-group C – Agriculture, Food Science, Forestry, Geography
- Task group leader: Dragomir Grujović
- Task group leader: Dražen Tutić
LLL courses will be developed for professionals in all target sectors. As a baseline, the training material developed in the LINKVIT project will be used. Similar as in T.2.1 the work will be organized in two sub-groups in accordance to their study program:
Sub-group A – Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Sub-group B – All other study programs
- Task group leader: Mario Gazdek
- Task group leader: Nikola Kranjčić
- Task group leader: Slavko Vasiljević
- Task Group Leader : Danijel Šugar
During a summer-school, which will be organized at the premises of UNISt in Split, teachers from the partner universities will be trained in the English versions of the courses included in the project curriculum. Task group will prepare summer schools program, materials, lecturers and technical details important for their successful execution.
The quality of summer schools and teachers will be evaluated by attendees and incorporated in the evaluation and monitoring reports.
- Teacher: Slobodanka Ključanin
- Teacher: Ivana Racetin
Selected parts of the teaching material will be adapted to national contexts (translated, enriched with national specificities) and published. This activity will be organized through the project, conducted by the appointed sub-group but executed by partners from partner countries due to the fact of their knowledge of national and professional specificities in their countries.