Based on the core project curriculum, and its domain-specific problems, each partner university upgrades their existing curricula and includes the new learning material.
- Teacher: Hamid Čustović
- Teacher: Melisa Ljuša
- Teacher: Zvonimir Nevistić
At each partner university, the new courses are conducted. This implementation may be carried out using selected groups of students or entire classes.
The student training activities will be evaluated using specific forms
for feedback. Proposals for improvement of the course design and learning
material will be given.
- Teacher: Danny Vandenbroucke
Based on the experiences of the learning actions and comments given by the students and other stakeholders, the project curriculum will be revised.
- Teacher: Milić Čurović
- Teacher: Emina Hadžić
- Teacher: Dušan Jovanović
- Teacher: Nikola Kranjčić
- Teacher: Mirza Ponjavić
- Teacher: Suada Sulejmanović