main objective of this task is to elaborate the QAP (Quality Assurance Plan). This plan
specifies the procedures to be applied in T3.2 & T3.3. Depending on the type
of project results, different quality assurance routines will be specified,
based on internal as well as external reviews. In addition, project success indicators
specified in the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) and impact indicators specified
in section G of this proposal will be used as a basis for continuous evaluation
of the progress of the project.
- Deputy Task Leader: Željko Bačić
The Evaluation plan, as a part of QAP, covers all the evaluation methods
to be used for the different work packages. The Plan will be able to use ba
anyone (partners, teachers, learners and other stakeholders) involved in the
project, and be clear as to what is happening in terms of monitoring and
- Deputy Task Leader: Vesna Poslončec-Petrić
The indicators will be permanently monitored through internal monthly reporting schemes and the procedures specified in D3.1. For every monitoring parameter each six months current status of impact monitoring will be published using reports, charts, maps, explanations and progress indicators to see how the overall target is being fulfilled.
- Deputy Task Leader: Vesna Poslončec-Petrić