The goal of this work package is efficient dissemination of project results and information about SDI in partner countries but also in the whole region and outside of it

This dissemination should raise the general knowledge about SDI in the target sectors (data management and SDI users), to increase awareness of the project and its results within its main target groups (students, institutions professionals and external universities) and to assure that the project results will be maintained and further developed after the completion of the project.

Development of a Communication Plan specifies tools, methods and the dissemination actions to be performed. For the purpose of dissemination & exploitation the target groups are identified (students, teachers, other faculties, other universities, professional associations and professionals, governmental institutions (NMCA’s and other)).

Based on prepared content and training material for different target profiles LLL courses will be executed. The training courses will also be open to teachers at external universities and their efficiency evaluated. Evaluation of executed LLL courses will be conducted by internal evaluators and participants of the courses for final release of the courses and course materials. 

Dissemination and exploitation of project results depends on available products and materials. For this purpose, this task group (T4.3) is established to organize, prepare and support production of project products project curriculum primarily, but also other documents, leaflets, web-site notices, e-newsletter, etc.). The Web site will be the major tool for dissemination of information about the BESTSDI project and should become, during the project lifetime a major source of SDI information in the region. In parallel solid (paper based) products and materials will be prepared, as a result of the work of other task groups (documents), or as a result of work of this task group and partners (various promotion materials).

Task group 4.4 will develop Plan for Dissemination and exploitation of Results (DER). This document will lean on Communication plan delivered by T4.1 Development of Communication Plan and provide guidance for Task group 4.3 Production of dissemination material and Task group 4.5 Exploitation. Methods of dissemination and exploitation, types of events on which promotion should be made with a list of national and international events on which partners will promote results of project, types of events which will be organized by partners itself will be defined.

Based on TG4.4 developed Plan for Dissemination and exploitation of Results (DER) and TG4.3 produced materials for dissemination and exploitation of the project results TG4.5 will in coordination with project partners be responsible for execution of mentioned Plan, providing support to partners, taking care for sufficient material available and monitor execution of exploitation. Monitoring will be done on four levels, globally on project level, national level, partner level and specifically National Stakeholder Coordination level.